5 Common Adsense Myths

beginners adsense tipsI love being a myth buster especially in blogging,and today our topic is about common Adsense myths that bloggers should know. Here, I will explain the myths that confused some blogger about making money with Adsense.

I remember 2 years ago when I was browsing on the Internet on how to get your account approved by Adsense, Instead of finding the right article, I keep seeing these testimonials on making money with Adsense. The hype inspires me to work on applying to make money on Adsense, but after my account was approved, I was kinda disappointed because it is not as easy as it looks. If you want to make money with Adsense you need a lot of work to do. So here are common Adsense myths every blogger must know.

Myth #1. Adsense can make you rich quick

As I have stated in the past, there is no such thing as easy money, and Adsense will not make you a millionaire in an instant. The truth is, there is only a small percentage of bloggers that actually make money from their blog site. It is definitely possible to make some money from Google Adsense Ad units but bear in mind that making money from your blog is commensurate with many factors such as types of advertising, placement of advertising, quality of your content, regular posting, number of articles, SEO, backlinks to your site, number of visitors to your blog to name just a few. You must be consistent on posting your articles on a daily basis. Earning potentials can be based on the number of traffics, the more you have visitors the more chances you make money with Adsense.

Also read:
How to approve your adsense account

Myth #2. Putting more ads the more you earn money 

This is false. Most bloggers believe that putting a lot of ads will have a higher chance of earning but the truth is, it might reduce your change of earning. There is a risk that the highest performing Ad units will shift to positions that are less frequently clicked on. If you put on a lot of ads on your site, a savvy visitor will instantly recognize an ad space and will try avoiding it.

Myth #3. Placement of Google Adsense doesn't matter

Actually it does. The placement of ads is very critical if you want to earn more revenue. If you wrongly place an ads, chances are it will not be seen by visitors and will have a lower chance being clicked, but placing it or covering your site with ads will not also earn you more revenue because a visitor did not came into your site to click on your ads. There are ways to put on your ads to make it look professional or blend it on your template, one of the most effective is putting it on the top fold so that visitors can easily see your ads without bothering your visitors while they read .

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Blend Adsense on your blog post
Adsense besides social sharing sites

Myth#4. More traffic means higher earnings

Not exactly, It depends on your blog content. Lets say you blog about poems, you get a lot of comments and visitors, but your adsense revenue is not growing, probably the reason is that niche is not friendly to advertisers. If you are blogging just about anything under the sun, chances of earning a lot from Adsense is very low. You must be specific about a certain topic and it must be a profitable topic.

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Most profitable topic

Myth #5. Google Adsense is the best way to make money

Not necessarily. It is true that Adsense can make you rich, but not every blogger earn a lot from it. Based on facts there are 95% of bloggers making money with Adsense earns just under $30 in one year. Darren Rose of problogger.net, says that he makes a lot of bucks from Adsense, but he made more money with affiliate marketing and currently stopped using Adsense. Most pro bloggers recommends Adsense as the option to make money for beginners, but when you become experienced, blending it with affiliate marketing and other ways to make money will surely skyrocket your income. Chitika and Amazon Affiliates are some alternative ways to make money be sure to check them out.

Also read:
How to make money online 
Online marketing myths you should know

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