In my experience, I was frustrated , Google adsense denied my application many times, but that didn't stop me. For new bloggers it is a challenge, because Google adsense would not accept blogs that are poorly made. I did have a hard time researching on how to get my account approved, instead I found websites that are too busy on how much money they earn with Adsense, I did't found what I am looking for. So I did some trial and error I even quit for 5 months because of the frustration.
If you want your account to be approved you just have to follow all of their policy and continue resubmitting your application.
Before applying for Google adsense I got some tips based on my experience. As a new blogger I really have a hard time repairing redesigning my blog for it to be adsense ready, here are some of my tips.
Be accurate about you Blog
Before applying, you must think first about a specific niche on you blog so that the ads will be relevant depending on your blog content. Make sure you are on a right path and not messing your blog content or else Google would not recognize your blog niche and ads would have a hard time determining which ads to put on your blog.
If you don't know what niche you like you can search the internet. Just make sure you are good at it so you won't ran out of topic
Design your Blog to be user friendly
Now that you have a blog, you must make things easier for visitors to navigate your blog site. Don't put too much graphics that will confuse readers. You must put enough information about your blog, like what is your blog about, where to contact you. Links must perfectly work for easy navigation. You must have enough sentence on your posts. Do not put short sentences.Make it look Professional
Just as I said before don't make it messy, make it simple and use light colors. Make sure it is very easy to navigateAdd Gadgets for easy navigation
Gadgets are very useful in blogging, there are many gadgets you can use for your blog to be Adsense ready.
Put a sitemap page on your blog. A site map will reveal all of your blogs content, so readers can see all of your posts.
Also put a "you might also like this" gadget, so readers will see more of your blogs related posts.
Good traffic is also needed
You will also need a lot of visitors per day, make sure you promote your blog. Social Networks and Traffic exchange website will be very helpful.
Just remember, be specific and simple about your blog and adsense will approve your application.
Btw, be specific also with your Address on your Adsense account. I have a case my adsense was dissapproved just because my address wasn't accurate. Just make sure your put a real address or Google will not pay for your service. Also do not put your nickname on you account, use your real name instead.
Once approved just follow their policy, like you only have to put 3 ads on 1 page, don't tamper your adsense code and this is very important DON'T EVER CLICK ON YOUR OWN ADS or Google will terminate your account and you will loose all of your earnings.
If you already have an approved Adsense account you won't need to apply again on your other blogs.
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