Lists of how to make money online

make money online

With todays economy and tough competition,  finding a high paying and stable job is very hard these days. I started thinking, is there another way to earn part time without the risk of getting fired. So I decided to look for jobs on the Internet, and earning money online caught my attention.

What is it? How will I get payed? What skills do I need to earn online?

Out of curiosity I started reading a lot of article related to money making online and started blogging. If you surf on the Internet daily, you would probably heard a lot of stories about people getting rich online, but just like any other job or business, this is not easy as it seems.

Based on my experience as an online entrepreneur, I give you the different ways to earn online.

1. Paid to click.

This is the easiest way to get paid online. Even grandpa can do it. Your job is to click and view a  website for a certain amount of time until it expires, most sites will give you about $0.01- 0.05 which is kinda cheap. But, do it a lot and you won't notice you are earning real money.

Some paid to click sites offer commissions if you refer a friend to their site and signs up. Just imagine if you refer 10, or maybe a 100's of your friends you could go big time on these time of online job. One of the most trusted PTC (paid to click) sites is clixsense.

2. Sell Stuff on eBay. 

Got some old stuff you don't need anymore? Why not trade it for cash on Ebay. Selling online is now a multi million business, a lot of people actually becomes rich by selling online. One of the advantage is, you won't need a store to start your online shopping mall.

When it comes to selling secondhand items, eBay is the place to go. If you have old stuffs that are in good condition like toys, electronics, you could start selling and earning on eBay.

Learn How to sell on eBayClick here

There are two things that make eBay great for earning  money.
  • You are pretty much guaranteed to make some kind of sale and thus experience a transaction.
  • eBay has the traffic, so you don’t have to worry about marketing your product beyond creating a good listing, the eye-balls are already there
EBay has a very high traffic which is good and also bad. Because they have an abundant traffic, competition is high and fierce. You need to find ways to gain more popularity, and attract potential customers. You also need to provide quality service so that satisfied customers can give good feedbacks.

3. Affiliate Marketing. 

As a blogger I also tried affiliate marketing. At first it wasn't that effective because I need to have lots of traffic for my blogsite. One the mistakes I did was selling products that are not related to my blog. It maybe bad for first time bloggers, but believe me, it is one of the best ways to earn online. A lot of blogs are into affiliate marketing for high commissions.

The challenge for you to figure out is what market to enter, build an audience and maintain relationship with your readers. Once you have their trust, they will also trust the products you are selling.

Also read
Is your blog affiliate marketing ready

4. Data Entry. 

Do you know how to type? This kind of job online is simply transcribing a different form of data into another form. For example, a scanned pages of a book or something similar, then typing it into a Microsoft Word format, simple isn't it?

The only real challenge for this, is you got to be a patient typist and very accurate, one mistake could make the whole program go error.

5. Sell Products on your website. 

Got a blog or website? Then you might try selling your own stuff online. E- commerce websites is a growing business. One of the advantage of having an e- commerce website is you could sell your products to a wider audience.

If you don't have a website, you could try social networking sites just like facebook. You just have to create a fanpage for your online shop.

6.Paid Surveys.

 Just be careful with this one, there are a lot of sites that promises to pay when you do some surveys. But, there are also legits sites that actually pays you when you took their surveys.

Here are some of those legitimate sites, paidviewpoint and cash crate, I will still look for more, I will keep you guys updated.

7. Writing

This is probably one of the easiest way to earn online. Internet marketers need content to feed their readers and your job is to give them content by writing.

Most webmasters are not into writing, they prefer designing and programming, that is why they sometimes recruit writers to do their writing job. is great for those who love to write.

8. SEO services

SEO stands for search engine optimization. This can be achieved by building quality backlinks to a site. Link building is not that hard if you get used to it, but it does require a lot of human power. There a lot of ways building backlings, one of the method is by social bookmarking a site to Facebook, Twiiter, Digg, Reddit, etc. Other ways are submitting it to the web via directories, leaving a comment to other sites also build backlinks.

9. Get hired on Odesk

If you plan on making a career online, then is the answer. This site offers a lot of jobs, from encoding, writing, SEO services, to web designing. You just need to pick the right job that you are good at.

But for first timers it could be hard at getting a job, just keep on applying and make sure you are suited and ready for the job. One of the things I like about Odesk is you dictate your service fee. but of course you must give a nice impression to your employer before getting the job.

Also read
How to get your first job at oDesk

10. Work full time at 

If you are tired working with different companies and employers online, you should try It is a new site for FULL TIME working online. They usually hire jobs for Data entry, programming, design, Accounting, Legal, Telephone support, and Personal Assistant.

11. Service you provide personally

There are other services you could provide online, an example is online English tutorial, you just need a fast internet connection and a computer. Other methods is a home-based call center.

The good thing about this job is you work at home, no more traffics, corporate suits, stressful deadlines, you tell when to work or not. But it takes a high amount of discipline and patience to be successful on these kind of jobs.

12. Sell pictures

Got a digital camera, and an eye of an artist? why not start selling photo pictures. One of the sites that buys a stock of photography is iStockPhoto. Just don't forget to keep your privacy.

13. Video marketing

If you hang a lot of time watching youtube videos or any other video sites then you might probably notice advertising on those videos or sells a product. Just like if you watch a kobe bryant videos, then products from Nike might appear. The more views you have the higher chances of earning big bucks. If you have a video that you think could go viral, then upload, you might just earn from it.

14. Forum posting

One of the hardest part of running a forum is at the start. At first it looks dead and no one seems to be talking. Webmasters' solution for that is is paid forum posting. All you have to do is start making some noise on that forum site. It could be fun for some, especially if it is about politics debate, or an anime forum.

15. Graphic Design

Do you love creating beautiful graphics, then try graphic design services. A lot of webmasters are looking for graphic designers. A simple logo would cost as much as $50- 100. Most designers use Adobe Photoshop, if you can't afford, try Gimp. Its free.

16. Play Online games.

Yes, you can actually make money while playing online games. There are many ways you could earn, you can do selling, trading, gold mining and many other.

Also read
5 ways to make a living on MMORPG games
10 games pays to play


I will update this article whenever I learned something new about ways to make money online

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