How to Protect Your Adsense Account from Click Bombers

How to Protect Your Adsense Account from Click BombersAs I was browsing some adsense tips on the net, an article about "how his adsense account get banned" caught my attention. I read his story and asked if he honestly do some illegal activities on his adsense account and he said "no", and I believe him because he blogs about SEO. If you are blogging for that niche, I am pretty sure you are aware of Google Adsense policy. He said that his click has dramatically increased more than a 100% in the past days, and its because of click bombers, someone was probably sabotaging his adsense account.

Also read:
Ways to cheat Google Adsense 

What is click bombing?

Click bombing is simply having your adsense account too much click, it could double or triple depending on the malicious user who wants to sabotage your account. These people will usually click on the same ads for more than 10 times in just a minute. If you have a low traffic blog, getting your adsense account banned is easy for these click bombers.

Also read:
How Google detect invalid clicks

This could happen to anyone, so we must pay attention to our adsense accounts and check for malicious activities or having too much click. To some, they suspect rivals or competitors are the one doing this kind of malicious activities. They want you to go down. As a website grow bigger and so is the rise of haters, spammers, and of course the terrorists of Google Adsense "the click bombers".

The truth is, I fear on this and I don't want it to happen to me or to you. But there are preventive measures to protect your adsense account from being sabotaged.

What to do if I suspect Click bombing?

If you happen to suspect someone is trying to do some click bombing the first thing you should do is contact Google immediately and fill up the invalid contact form. This will help them recognize your account is being maliciously being sabotaged and letting them know that you do not know where the illegal clicks came from.

Besides letting Google know, there are also other ways to prevent click bombing. Here are some:
  • Google Analytics. This is a very important tool for webmasters because you can trace where your visitors came from and what activity they are doing. Use this tool to find IP address of illegal clickers and ban them immediately.
  • Don't apply Adsense for low traffic blogs. This is one of the best way to avoid click bombers. High traffic sites usually makes a lot of money from adsense, that is why click bombers will not really affect their account because they are used to having tons of clicks. If your blog has low traffic yet it has tons of clicks it could easily get banned.
  • Use plugins for wordpress. One of the biggest advantage of word press is having tons of useful  plugins and one of them is who sees ads plugin, use it to prevent someone from accessing your site. There maybe new and more updated version of this plugin, just search I am sure you can find one.
  • Be careful with 3rd party traffic. I have been using 3rd party traffic generation site before and it help a bit wit improving my traffic. But beware, malicious clickers sometimes lurks on these sites. 
  • Don't tell anyone about your ads. I have read a story about a blogger who got banned because his sister wanted to help him make money from adsense, unaware his sister was actually "click bombing" and because of that he lost his account. It may be a sweet thing someone wanted and trying to help you make money but believe me, they could do much worse. The moral lesson here, don't tell anyone about your ads.

My Final thoughts

Despite measures to prevent this I still fear that one day Google might email me something about my Adsense account getting banned. If that happens I am quite sure click bombers are behind it. 

Getting your adsense accounts banned could happen to anyone, that is why you need to fully understand Google's policies on adsense. And the most important thing is always be aware of your account and keep track of it so that if there is something wrong you can immediately fix it.

Also read:
How to approve your adsense account

Adsense is still my favorite ways to make money online, but its also scary that one day you could loose all your earnings all of a sudden. That is why you should search for adsense alternatives, they may not pay you as big but it could still help you make money blogging.

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