You need a backlink to credit all of your hard work and I have here ways on how to get backlinks when someone copies your content.
This will work on blogger and wordpress. Here are the simple steps
1. Go to your account.
2. Click Layout > Add gadget> select HTML/ javascript
3. Copy and paste the code below
<script type='text/javascript'>
function addLink(){var a=document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];var b;b=window.getSelection();var c="<br/><br/> Source : <a href='"+document.location.href+"'>"+document.location.href+"</a><br/>Content Copyrighted to Hobby to Money";var d=b+c;var e=document.createElement("div");"absolute";"-99999px";a.appendChild(e);e.innerHTML=d;b.selectAllChildren(e);window.setTimeout(function(){a.removeChild(e)},0)}document.oncopy=addLink
4. Just edit the code colored in blue as you like. Save your gadget and you are all done.
When someone copies your article an attribution link will automatically appear. giving you a backlink to your site.
Try it for yourself, copy an article from your blog and paste it, you will see a source line below of that copied text.
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