Get 3000 website backlinks FREE

Backlinks is very important for a website, so I will share to you guys this tool which could give you a lot of backlinks. Logically this will not all work, but it could give you at least 1000 Google crawled back links for free!.

What is this?

IMtalk provides this tool for free. And its not regular backlinks like you think. It creates pages on some popular whois, server info viewing sites on the internet like whois. and Google visits those sites regularly and crawl them So you will get backlinks. It won’t get any high quality page ranked backlinks but those amount of backlinks are enough to boost your website for at least 1 step in page rank like 1 to 2.


Just fill the forms provided by putting your websites URL and keyword which is optional. And select from 50- 3000 backlinks pages you want and you are done!. 

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